Practice PLUS get’s acquainted with their emotional intelligence.
Lisa MacAllister, the founder of Practice PLUS, believes in the positive, empowering, life-changing power of upskilling and education. And constantly sends her staff for further training to ensure Practice PLUS clients are receiving optimum service.
Mid-March, the Practice PLUS team met with EQ facilitator Avril Kidd of EQinAction to discover each team members brain style. Before the event, each Practice PLUS staff member completed an online emotional intelligence Psychometric test. During the day, staff received their test results. Thus, indicating each persons brain-style, style of focus, decision making, and what drives them.
The day began with Avril checking in on everyone’s emotional status, followed by each person’s expectations for the day. Once unearthed, Avril took us through the reasoning behind stimuli that could hijack our interpretations of a situation, thereby allowing for an unfavourable reaction. Furthermore, how to avoid these ’emotional hijacks’.
Through the event, staff could take part in various team-building activities. One event included applying a ‘Biodot’ to the skin, which would change colour according to the persons varying stress level of the situation presented.
Each person is unique in their communication style, decision making and drive. We value relationships, wellbeing, quality of life and our effectiveness differently. Therefore it was encouraging to learn our colleague’s various brain styles, allowing us to adapt our communication according to the emotional and rational colleague.
Click on Practice PLUS events page to sign up for our next empowering event.
“Sometimes a change of perspective is all it takes to see the light.” Dan Brown